
SensoLyte® 520 Meprin ß Activity Assay Kit Fluorimetric - 1 kit

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  • Cat.Number : AS-72254
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Meprin β, a type I transmembrane metalloprotease, belongs to the astacin family of zinc endopepdidases and the metzincin superfamily. Protein expression had been identified in multiple tissues and cell types such as kidney, intestine, skin, leukocytes and several cancer cells. Though the biological function of Meprin β is not fully understood, it was found that Meprin β plays various roles in inflammatory response, collagen assembly, cancer progression and β-amyloid protein cleavage. More growing evidence has indicated that Meprin β is a good therapeutic target in regulating angiogenesis, cancer, inflammation, fibrosis, and neurodegenerative diseases.
The SensoLyte® 520 Meprin β Activity Assay Kit can be used to detect enzyme activity in purified enzyme preparations and compound screening. The unique FRET substrate was derived from APP sequence designed to reduce the cross reactivity with Meprin a, ADAM10, β-secretase, BACE-2, IDE and ECEs, Neprilysin and TACE. Active Meprin β cleaves the FRET substrate resulting in an increase of 5-FAM fluorescence, that can be monitored at excitation/emission = 490 nm/520 nm. The long wavelength fluorescence of 5-FAM is also less interfered by the autofluorescence of components in biological samples and test compounds. This assay can detect as low as 0.048 ng/mL active Meprin β.


Kits components
  • Component A: 5-FAM /QXL® 520 Meprin ß substrate Ex/Em=490 nm/520 nm upon cleavage: 0.4 mM, 50 µL Component B: 5-FAM fluorescence reference standard, Ex/Em=490 nm/520 nm: 0.4 mM, 15 µL Component C: Human recombinant Meprin ß: 0.05 mg/mL, 20 µL Component D: Meprin ß activation buffer: 100 µL Component E: Meprin ß stop solution: 20 µL Component F: 2X Assay Buffer: 25 mL Component G: Inhibitor: 20 mM, 20 µL
UniProt number
  • Q16820
Absorbance (nm)
  • 490
Emission (nm)
  • 520
Storage & stability
Storage Conditions
  • Store component C at -80°C. Store all other components at -20°C. Protect components A and B from light and moisture. Component F can be stored at room temperature for convenience.<br>
Biomarker Target
Detection Method
Detection Limit
  • 0.048 ng/ml
Research Area
Sub-category Research Area
  • Research use

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